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Peckoltia sp. L135


Among the absolutely nicest types of Peckoltia we find L135 from Rio Demini, Brazil. The availability of this species in the hobby has varied through the years, depending on the export situation in Brazil. In recent times there has been a good, steady supply of L135 coming out of Manaus, making L135 one of the more common Peckoltia species in the trade. With its great pattern and appetite for algae, L135 is not only popular among the core of catfish enthusiasts, but appeals to a broader audience as well.


Name: Peckoltia sp. “L135”

Trade names: L135, Wormline Peckoltia

Origin: Rio Demini, Brazil

Maximum TL: 15 cm / 6''


Often wild fish needs some proper care and feeding to regain their strength and vitality, and when they are happy and relaxed they will show off a beautiful orange colour in the fins. Stressed individuals are pale with slightly washed out markings. L135 is an omnivore, so a varied diet is required. After a period of maintenance and conditioning the fish should be possible to breed in typical Peckoltia manor. Clean, warm water with good movement and a tank furnished with decent caves and other hiding places makes the fish feel relaxed, and the males will eventually show off some odontodal growth, although not as prominent as in most other Peckoltia species.


L135 is easily confused with two other L-numbers; L121 from Guyana and P.braueri, L305, from Rio Takutu (Rio Branco). L121 has an orange seam in the dorsal and caudal fin which L135 lacks. P.braueri (L305) is a smaller fish (12 cm), with 8 soft rays in the dorsal fin. L135 and L121 have 7.

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